12th House Kingdom of the Heart The Damsel , Knight Rescuer & Heroine Archetypes Mary asked herself why we fall in love with the people we do. She couldn't understand why her heart always picked men who were hurtful and or unavailable emotionally. Her head knew who she could trust. But her heart had a mind of its own, it seemed. So she wrote in her journal. It is a battle of head and heart. I vow to take care of myself better. I will have better discernment when dating. I will choose carefully. Maybe I should look for answers within myself. Yes, this new method has helped me to find and accept myself as I am. Mary settled and allowed herself to drift into a deep quiet place. Then, as she walked through the mists of consciousness, she came upon a clearing, the Kingdom of the Heart. Here she met a traveling Shaman who told her about her story of the heart. As the Shaman spoke, Mary could see the story unfolding before her like magic in his crystal ball. If you want to know what Mary saw you have to wait for the Book. The Caretaker's We are the caretakers of the Garden of Paradise Heaven is within We Create Our Reality Beliefs, feelings, words, and actions bring our world into form As we discover who we are and hear the truth within We become aware of our beauty and creativity Unlimited Power flows from within We have the key to unlocking the gate to our Garden of Paradise It is our Heart! 1990 copyright 2022 Mary followed her inner wisdom, which is our Shaman. As we let go of what no longer serves us—our knight or shadow belief about self. We allow the light of truth to come forward and bring our superpowers.
10 th House The Frozen Dancers The Alchemist, Slave & Visionary Seeker Archetypes Mary was listening to music and resting. Her thoughts drifted to travel. She missed some of the places she had been. Lately, she felt stuck in a repeating loop. Ah ha, she thought it was time for another journey inward to find the source of this feeling. She was slowly drifting into a relaxed state. She found herself once again within the void floating. So relaxing and peaceful. Please take me to the place where I feel stuck. Mary spoke softly. Mary's lower back felt the pressure. She walked through the mists to a new gate. The gate was rusted, stuck halfway open. Mary squeezed through the gate. A long twisting path was ahead. It was a beautiful forest path. As she walked, she saw a statue of a ballerina. She was beautiful. The statue was so lifelike; every detail was perfect. She was suspended in mid-air leap across the pathway. As the path twisted and turned its way, she came upon statues in a circle of children laughing—a moment in time like a picture. Mary still hadn't met any real people yet. But along the pathway, she saw many statues. Finally, the path opened up to a large meadow. In the center was a small cottage. Brambles and thorns surrounded her, so it kept everyone out. Hello? Is there anyone there? Mary called out. Inside the cottage, she heard a voice. To Be continued Dancing Music flows through me I feel every vibration within my being It transports me to another dimension As I move, I become one with it what fun and adventure awaits At this moment, with this music Thank you for the dance 2002 copyright 2022 Mary finds out she is still carrying many beliefs from her childhood. However, these beliefs are false shadows. As an adult, she unravels and attempts to navigate her subconscious story landscape. First, a little girl of only two tried to be perfect for her grandmother. Finally, a girl only six years old was sent away to a catholic boarding school. The experience was overwhelming for her emotionally. However, having no control over such an intense experience, she did the best she could at such a young age. The spiral within me My new perspective of myself Complete in myself is the wealth Of all above and below My purpose is to show For all who desire to see How to be eternally the spiral within me 2022 8th House Big Balloon People The Shapeshifter,Trickster & Procrastinator Performer Archetypes When Mary went to work yesterday, her coworkers were insulting her. Self-promoting and aggrandizing who they were presenting themselves to be. She felt overwhelmed when she finally got home. She couldn't understand why it bothered her so profoundly. It is time for another journey within, she said. Relaxing on her sofa and going deep within, she found herself surrounded by huge people like hot air balloons. All of them were bouncing around and off each other. All were shouting out. I am the best salesperson. Looking at this from outside and observing, she started laughing. Apparently, she was in the land of networking and connecting to others' resources. Exactly where she needed to be. No one was listening, and everyone was promoting themselves. Perfect, Mary thought to herself. To be continued in book. 8th House Scorpio Other people's resources 2nd & 6th Chakras Shapeshifter Archetype: This is part of one of the chapters that will be in my book. Enjoy! copyright 2022 Meeting God in Another I want to share a personal story that has recently unfolded in my life. My perspective of this spiritual experience journey develops below. . I have worked hard to strip away self-imposed soul blocks on my journey home—different healing methods, elixirs, potions, sprays, magic, feathers and crystals, and prayers. But the best process continues to be using self-reflection in another. Some of the most profound healings and genuine spiritual growth continue to be through relationships and connecting to them in a heart-to-heart way. Being here on earth at this time is a significant evolution of our collective consciousness. We all have our own choices as we co-create our reality. I met God within another. I have been blessed to have experienced a beautiful reflection in another's eyes. It can be challenging to see a spec in the eye of the one you love and see it in truth as it is, a reflection of a part of me that needs to be brought into the light. But, it is human nature to point outwards to them and say you! So I set about cleaning my inner spiritual house of hidden beliefs about myself and others. So it is that I have stepped through my heart portal. I have cleared some of the dust and old beliefs that I had taken on to learn who I was underneath it all. For myself, it is ALL IN DIVINE ORDER ALWAYS! It is the differences between each of us that make us unique and beautiful. I see us as whole and perfect. We are not broken! Our Souls have always been perfect as they are. We perceive broken shards of clay masks we have taken on like the old Greek plays. Underneath the broken shards is our shining soul left with the experiences of our roles. They no longer serve us. The time of wearing these old masks has ended. It is time to let go of the old ways and embrace the new. Namaste and blessings to all who read this; may they learn and grow to know themselves. Know you are loved as you are. You are beautiful as you are at this moment. Thank you for allowing me to share my experiences with you from my perspective.
A Soul Song Forget me not Look for me in the moonlight Feel my embrace as the wind caresses you Hear my voice in the song of nature As the sunshine touches you Feel the warmth of my Love We had forgotten to listen To the quiet voices within I know I shall see you there I have not forgotten I will always be Always and forever ME Happy New Years Eve 12/31/21 Chris Rossi
Good Morning! I found a way to bridge from here to there. Through a heart-to-heart connection. My writing bridges time and space. I am creating ripples for all who want to read this and raise their vibration to fly. Every morning is like my journal, a blank clean page to write in. A fresh start, a new beginning! We have a choice to pick up old baggage of past experiences to drag about our day. Or to choose to fly with angels. I wake up each morning and choose my angel. I prefer to fly above the old past experiences to soar and co-create a higher love matrix in this world. At this moment, right now! Right NOW! I sip my coffee in silence, feeling the peacefulness within radiating outward like the sun's rays. See the beauty of nature reflected in a raindrop. I pause and remember that everything is perfectly perfect at this moment. Take another sip of coffee and realize that everything is connected deeply. I am grateful for my connection with my angel and those whose paths I encounter—time to embrace the day. Then off to work I go. I am not alone but in the company of angels! So what do you choose for your day? Sending love always, Mary Good morning! I am sipping coffee at my desk, listening to the birds singing. It is a pleasant Sunday morning after only a few hours of sleep. My thoughts muse over the idea of relationships. May I invite you into my experience? I am sure that I have always chosen my spiritual path first and foremost. I have strived for alignment with my soul to keep my peace of mind. Which I thought meant walking my way alone. Lord knows I am never really alone because I am clairaudient ( I hear and can have conversations with guides, angels, ascendant masters, and such). If there were a hidden camera in my apartment or anywhere, it would catch me conversing with any or all of them. Did I say Conversation? Half the time, I am yelling you must be kidding me, flipping them off, and a string of swearing to make a sailor blush. So I have not been alone but in the company of those that dwell on a different plane. I enjoy their company; they understand me. They never judge me; if I am on track, I get a golf clap. Yes, that’s right! You know those quiet claps ( It sounds like people clapping softly with gloves on) at a golf tournament. Even an ohhh softly spoken now and then. I sometimes refer to them as “the committee.” Occasionally, I need to check my 3rd eye to see if there is a permanent dent from being hit by a 2x4 from my guides. So my guides can be very insistent, and to be fair, I can be very stubborn. But, in the end, I should know better and follow what they suggest. I asked for Love
I sit with a steaming cup of Earl Grey tea on a crisp Fall morning. I am a storyteller and teacher in this lifetime. I share my personal experiences in story form. May I invite you to take what resonates with you and leave the rest? I talk out loud to my spiritual guides. I feel their presence in my life always. Yes always! We have no secrets. Now sipping my tea, my mind drifts in remembrance of asking my guides for love. I remember it well. I had just moved into a lovely, two-bedroom apartment in Walnut Creek, California. I had an inner yearning to feel loved by another truly. It felt like an emptiness within. I thought a relationship could fill it. It was about 2005 on my timeline. I knew enough of magic and how to manifest my desires. I carefully created my intentions, great sense of humor, good-looking, loving, fun, loyal, available emotionally, and more. I added my heartfelt feelings to draw the perfect, unconditional love relationship. I went about getting the right potions, oils, herbs, and candles to assemble to draw this love into my life. On an evening in Summer, I cast my net wide and far with magic. Then let it go. The rest is letting go and trusting the Divine and my guides to handle the details. With a happy heart, filled with gratitude, knowing that all will manifest better than I can picture for myself. Have you ever heard the phrase? "Be careful what you ask for"? A few weeks later, I was waiting for my son and his wife to come by and pick me up to go to the movies. I was sitting by the open dining window. A gentle breeze blew the curtains out into a billow that looked like a head sail. On this breeze, I heard a bird sing loud and clear. It was not like anything I had ever heard before in our neighborhood. It drew me to look outside and see if I could identify what bird it was. I scanned the treetops and rooftops. They were directly across from my window; a small green bird was on the rooftop. We are talking bright lime green. He was calling out loudly. So I yelled back, "what?" he paced a little and yelled out to me again. Okay, what do you want? I asked. He then flew right over my building across the street. I followed to find him way up in a tree. I stood below and told this bird I was not chasing you. You know where I live if you are meant to be in my life. You can come to me! My son then pulled up and saw me talking to the trees with my hands on my hips. There's nothing to see here, folks; I waved and laughed out loud. I jumped into my son's truck and off to the movies and a fun evening with my family. I returned home and walked across the street to see if my little guy was still there. I couldn't find him! I promptly went back home and went to sleep. The following day was a lazy warm summer Saturday. I opened up my place while it was still cool and sipped my coffee. Talking to a friend on the phone, I told her of my adventure with the bird. We laughed and wondered about the meaning. Standing at my screen door, I saw my neighbor looking under a parked car across the street on her hands and knees. I called out what did you find? She said she thought there was a kitten. I opened the screen door and stepped out to talk with her. Her husband was at my front step and turned to me and said, "Look Out! Be careful, or you will step on him." I looked down and at my feet was the bird. I squatted down and held out my hand. I said, "Hey buddy, how are you? He stepped up into my hand. I offered him water, and he drank. He ran around my kitchen floor, chasing the small cat ball with a jingle bell. We played fetch, and I laughed as he clowned around. One of the qualities I desired was a great sense of humor. I swear I heard my guides laughing. Here was the love I had asked for. My Buddy! We had our laughter, fun times, and yelling matches. We were together for about ten years. He left and transitioned in the winter of 2015. So, in fond memory of My Buddy Bird, my lovebird who found me and stayed with me until death. One of the best teachers I have had in love to date. The moral of this story is: When we ask for something, it is always given. Always so much more than we can picture for ourselves. Stay open, and expect something extraordinary! Keep an open mind, have a sense of humor, and expect miracles in your life. Life is so much more than what we can see. The DIVINE will always answer our requests for help in all areas. Expect the unexpected, and keep an open heart. Life is magical; we are magical! |
The AuthorI am Mary Christine, My spiritual journey has led me here kicking and screaming most of the way to this present moment. I desire to be the change in the world I want to see. I am walking away from the old paradigm and stepping through the gateway of my heart into the New. I am not sure where this is going but I trust the alignment with my soul to get me there. Every Step of my journey has led me to this jump off point. I embrace all of it. I choose to jump into this new world with an open heart filled with love. Follow my journey, if you choose. From My Heart to Yours! Archives
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